Blog Post Ideas for Your Hearing Health Practice

The ideal Facebook post compels people to respond. Human nature is what it is; seeing reactions and comments on a post will ultimately cause interest to rise further. 

For hearing practices, the main aim of using social media is to consolidate their existing relationships and also to reach an entirely new audience. According to the Pew Research Center, this is more important than ever, as 68% of all Americans have a Facebook account.

Developing a continuous stream of Facebook posts can also be challenging for any business owner. If you’re beginning to scrape the barrel for topics and announcements, fear not! Here are some Facebook posting ideas that could work for your hearing practice.

Industry Trends

What’s the hottest new feature in hearing aids? Any new assistive listening devices your clients should know about? Write about it! Educating your clients about industry trends is both informational for your client and shows that you take your profession seriously by keeping up with the latest news.

Also, let people know that your business is up there with the best by showing pictures and videos from industry events. This demonstrates to potential customers that you are keeping up to date with the latest trends in hearing healthcare.

Seasonal posts

If you build content based on trending topics, such as seasonal events, you can leverage it to increase your blog traffic and social media engagement. Plus, you’re likely to gain more exposure if you post it on other social media apps such as Instagram or Twitter, as the associated hashtags are likely to be trending.

You can leverage this natural increase in traffic by publishing specific seasonal blog posts and promoting posts using common hashtags. Posts featuring seasonal content show your hearing practice is up to date and aware of your customer’s needs as seasons change. 

National holidays are a good time to address the importance of healthy hearing practices. For example, Valentine’s Day is a good moment to address how better hearing enhances relationships or the Fourth of July is an ideal time to discuss using hearing protection when viewing fireworks!

Share your tips & how-to guides

Another readily available format for blog posts about healthcare is how-to guides.

How-to guides attract more organic searches from search engine results. For example, if you write a post telling readers how to clean and maintain their hearing aid, you will not get the number of shares that a “top 10” list initially has. But this content will trend for longer because it would continue to be useful to people for a long time.

Share easy tips and guides to help your clients. Some ideas: quick hearing aid fixes, how to safely remove earwax, how to prepare for a hearing test, how to talk to a loved one about hearing loss, etc. If done correctly, these posts are an excellent way to build credibility with your audience.

Post behind-the-scenes content

Remember back in the day when we watched movies on DVD? One of the ways distributors would encourage people to buy DVDs was to include ‘behind-the-scenes’ content. And it worked!

The same idea can be applied to your social media marketing. Consider how your company can connect to your Facebook audience on a more personal level to share exclusive content and behind-the-scenes images or stories. There’s a lot of ways to do this. You could: 

  • Share how custom hearing protection is made 
  • Introduce the staff (or office dog!)
  • Post a picture of your favorite lunch spot in the area

When determining what you will be incorporating into your plan, consider which posts are ideally suited to you and are most likely to help your company. Be mindful of who your target audience is, and what kind of content they want to see.

Then put a plan in place that will explain when your posts are to be put up. If you have a simple plan about what ideas you want to use on Facebook posts, your approach would be more likely to succeed.

Above all, remember that being human is what’s at the core of gaining more attention on Facebook. At its heart, it’s a place where humans go to communicate with other humans. So, the more human your hearing practice appears in your social media posts, the more you will appeal to a wider audience. 

Have questions about social media and your hearing practice? Contact us at AuDSEO today to learn more about our services.